This will be an early morning session:
100 Pull ups
100 Push ups
100 Sit ups
100 Squats
I'm chasing sub 25 with normal Abmat sit ups - Reek is going Rx'd first time!
Brock Street Fitness follows the experiences of those who train under my house. The aim of BSF is to offer a low cost training experience for any Townsville / Aitkenvale area based individual that wants to be fitter and is prepared to work hard for it.
Here tis
Brett 26:19 (16 sec PB)
Pull Ups 10:03
Push ups 16:30 (6:27)
Sit Ups 22:10 (5:40)
Squats 26:19 (4:09)
Errica 53:50
Pull Ups 30:30
Push Ups 42:40 (12:10)
Sit Ups 48:55 (6:15)
Squats 53:50 (4:55)
Damn that out of reach sub 25 minute
Just did Angie in 34:30. Not sure but I think it's a PB for me. Pullups took up the bulk of time finished at the 18:00 mark. Push ups done by 24:19; Sit ups done at 31:34 and Squats round up at 34:30.
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