Thursday, December 23, 2010
Monday, February 8, 2010
See anyone you know?

This taken from main page today!
On the weekend was my first gig being a HQ trainer and it was great!
I have always said you cannot beat volume of coaching as a mechanism for growth as a coach. I was able to see 46 people move for two days!
This combined with the great turnouts at CrossFit Townsville gets me excited about where I am going to be as an athlete and a coach in 6 months time.
Looking forward to Steve's preso too it will rock Townsville for sure.
Sunday, February 7, 2010

Wednesday, February 3, 2010
My programming

I am programming for CrossFit Townsville at the moment daily WODs, without a comment option, can be seen here:
Post comments to here about any of the WODs.
Monday, February 1, 2010
CrossFit Townsville Monday WOD
Mia 13,10,8,8,5 = 44
Reek 16,16,10,10,6 = 58
Kate 22,16,16,13,10,5 = 83
Garry 21,14,11,7,6,7 = 66
Pat 27,16,11,10,8 = 72
Karen 5, (Dropped to knees) 15,18,12 = 50
Sally 11,8,10,10,10 = 49
Kat 7,6,6,6 = 43
Lauren 20,12,10,10,11,10 = 73
Wade 33,20,17,15,10 = 95
Zac 42,26,16,15,19 = 118
Hogie 40,17,19,11,10,15 = 112
Ryan 16,10,10,5,12 = 53
Kylie 20,20,20,20,16 = 96
Taryn 11,6,5,4,5 = 31
Robin 17,18,15,9 = 59
Ian 35,19,14,10,10,4 = 92
Narrelle 22,15,13,10,10,1 = 71
Lyle 24,14,9,7,6 = 60
Chris 20,16,11,11,9,6 = 73
20 people!! CrossFit Townsville - look out when the box opens!
Sunday, January 31, 2010
CrossFit Townsville Saturday WOD

(SXF's mascot)
Every minute on the minute perform 5 DB Deadlifts,5 DB Hang Power Cleans, 5 DB Thrusters.
Rest the remainder of the minute. If you fail to complete the required work in the minute do 5 burpees and rest the remainder of the minute before 'getting back on'.
Loading prescribed at 40-45% of BW
At Fit Solutions:
Dan:20kg DB 18 rounds
Rob:15kg DB 18 rounds
Rook: 12.5kg DB 16 or 17 rounds?
Chris:10kg DB 20 rounds
Mia:10 - 8kg DB 18 rounds
Reek:9kg DB 20 rounds
Annalise: 7kg DB 20 rounds
Robin: 6 kg DB 20 rounds
Glen: 10kg DB 20 rounds Koala style(didn't put DBs down) 6 reps in first round then 5 reps until round 14, 3 rounds at 6 reps again then 3 rounds at 7 reps.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
The Brett Drill
This is my ,soon to be famous, Brett Drill - hopefully it will improve double unders the world round.
This is me putting the drill to the test on OPT's "Flight Simulator" which is all the rage at SXF at the moment and has produced some exceptional dummy spits.(Language warning on the Dummy Spit vid - super funny though like old people on ice!)
The challenge is up, I did it in 12:38.
Thursday Couplet
Followed by a 10! Couplet of Front Squats from the deck and Knees to Elbows.
Chris 9:59(Rehab scaling)
Errica 16:07 (28kg)
Robin 17:43 (33kg)
Ella 18:30 (27kg)
Great Job by all.
I have pondering the programming question for a while now and basically I have whitled it down to two camps either a strength bias camp (where there is a strength bias component to every workout day and a met con component) or the single WOD a day camp.
I am leaning towards Strength Bias for my personal training sessions or experienced groups - where equipment permits, but toward single WOD programming (like CrossFit Brisbane or Main Page) for group classes.
I think there is a trade off going on here - In my opinion a strength bias is the most efficient training stimulus but on the other hand a group class creates an environment that encourages more intensity.
So I think both have there merits - Thoughts?
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Happy WOD

In the CrossFit journal article - "you be the trainer" there is a virtual client who has lost her training mojo - aka can't be stuffed.
In one of the comments someone suggested they would give her her Happy WOD to her get her love for training back.
I have been sore and demotivated since the absolute caning I gave myself trying to keep up on Saturday so today I just finished my happy WOD : Heavy Deadlifts with plenty of rest :) what can I say, they are not that heavy yet and I do love the rest.
Errica's Happy WOD is Annie I think.
So basically your happy WOD is one you could do and would be happy to do any time anywhere.
What is your Happy WOD? (you can make one up)
Wednesday Presses
It looks like I will be on board with CrossFit Townsville as early as Monday February 1st so Robin, Chris and Errica we will be training out of fit solutions for about 8 weeks until the 'New Box' opens.
Dan has agree to continue the current rate of $10 a session until the new place opens.
I have done the programming for Feb and while there are some logistics challenges it should be a great month of WODs.
See you guys tomorrow morning.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Cleans and Dips
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Saturday Chaos
AM crew - Errica, Robin and Chris bombed into the CrossFit Townsville session at Fit Solutions are did almost the same workout we did on Friday.
Chris wowed everybody with his form and Robin was deadlifting as much as some of the boys.
In the PM we did a double WOD
WOD 1 was a favourite of mine 5 rounds of 300m row& 30 push ups that is brutal.
WOD two was after about 30mins break and was the first WOD from CrossFit Rocks open day but with 'flamo' jumps 28" rather than the prescribed 20" which made it harder for Steve and Glen.
Awesome afternoon of working out with Newy, Steve,Glen and Dan.
Monday back at BSF.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
In the arvo Craig,Chris and I attacked a Box Jump Situp WOD
5 rounds of 10 flamo jumps and 20 Abmat sit ups. we were between 6and 9 mins which was a bit short either make it a ten rounder, or keep it the same and use GHD sit ups or make it 10 Box Jumps, 20 Sit Ups & 30 DU for 5 rounds.
CrossFit Thuringowa(Dan Strickland and Rob Innes) is rebranding to CrossFit Townsville and as soon as they are up and running I will be working for them in the capacity of a Trainer.
I would like BSF people to come over with me and continue to get fitter and stronger but realise the cost may be a bit more than the 10 bucks a session we currently enjoy.
I have to be selfish on this one these guys are super professional and I can see them taking CrossFit in Townsville to the next level and I want in.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Easy session

Still down to two with Robin away at Coffs Harbour(hitting CrossFit gyms in the area in the photo above).
We did some squat therapy then chased a heavy press chris matched his PB Errica was just off it.
Then we did 5 40m tyre drag sprints and 3 sets of max strict pull ups.
Planning on doing CrossFit Rocks WOD2 on Friday and resting tomorrow.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
We are back in action
Hang Power Cleans
Chris did 50kg HPC and reek 32.5kg
Chris finished in 11min 45s and Reek in 12min 03secs
Saturday Work out instead of Sunday at 3 PM it will be hot!! Glen?, Dan? Steve is in already :) I am pushing to make my Sundays a rest day from here on in.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
CrossFit Rocks Open Day

Check out the action (and hopefully results later today) at CrossFit Rocks website.
Basically it was two very doable WODs: 3 rounds of 15 Deadlift(80/60kg), 15 Box Jump & 15 Kettlebell swings.
The low box proved to be a hurdle for many as they were not getting full extension off the top. I would suggest a lot of blokes train on a 24 and usually just fall into hip and knee extension.
2nd WOD was 21-15-9 Hang Power Cleans(60/40) and Burpees. This was horrible!
Top 5 had a third WOD which was a volume ladder of DB Thrusters and Pull Ups. the male winner got through 13 - Drummond Williams from CrossFit Coastal. I think the female winner got 11 rounds Rach Vickers also from CrossFit Coastal.
Jeff did the day as Rx'd and Robin implemented a bit of scaling but went really hard.
Jeff had some dramas with his first judge but handled it with good sportsmanship which was awesome.
I was hoping for 6th place(because I am lazy and wasn't up for a 3rd WOD :) )
I think I got pretty close.
It was a great day very well organised ,cool workouts, great people and heaps of fun.
Hopefully we can see something similar for the official opening of CrossFit Thuringowa later this year.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Whats in YOUR "food"?
click on any of the images for a better look
Now, I dont know about you but I'm pretty sure 175mg + 70mg doesn't equal 300mg. So they claim there is 300mg of n-3 but there is only 245mg total of EPA/DHA, whats the rest?? Omega-3 oils such as flax seed or soy oil usually fill the gap, but these are totally inferior to EPA/DHA as explained in my fish n flax post.
Make sure your fish oil ingredients state that for a standard 1000mg capsule, with 300mg Omega-3, that the EPA/DHA break down is 180mg EPA and 120mg DHA, which actually equals 300 by the way...
On the way the the supp' section they had these out so I couldnt help myself:
"Sports Drinks". Main ingredients: sugar (two different types in the second one!, like beer/frustose), followed by flavours and colours. Some extremely small amount of vitamins and the end, surely that makes it worth drinking poison.
And then there's this:
Mid morning snack? Afternoon treat? Evening moment?
While I DONT think that man has never been to the moon or that the FBI planned JFK's assisnation, I'm begining to think that the food companies actually WANT us to get fat and sick.
Most of your food shouldnt have labels on it anyway, but when they do, read them carefully.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Homework for Monday
10 push ups
10 body rows
Run 200m
Remember to do all push ups chest to ground.
Make sure to stretch out those calves and roll out your ITBs.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Thruster 60kg &Row
Not too bad so must have gone too slow:)
Brett 10:55
Jeff 10:41
This afternoon I am training with craig too.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Monday, January 4, 2010
Monday workouts
We did a variant of OPTs tempo WOD we did 6 rounds of 10 Front or OH Squats with 1 sec up and 3 secs down supersetted with undergrasp chin ups 1 sec up 3 secs down.
This was much harder than it looks on paper.
Finished with 3 sets of 25 sit ups.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
The future for BSF?
Given our limited equipment and space and my desire to have a very relaxed gym environment the open gym model that skip talks about would probably work really well.
It requires each person to be a little bit more independent but potentially allows for better growth.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Forefoot running

Really important point that I picked up at the CrossFit Endurance Cert was that when forefoot or midfoot running you must still kiss the ground with the heel to unload the calf and achilles tendon. Failure to do this leads to alot of tears in the calf group - I have had them, Robin's got one so we need to contact with the mid foot and then allow the heel to touch the ground before pushing off.
Sunday sesh - Errica's Birthday
Look for max push press double.
Dry plan is Cindy + 1 C&J @ 75% of 2RM in first round, 2 in 2nd round and so on until someone with a score of 11 rounds will have done 5 pull ups,10 push ups, 15 Squats and 11 C&J.
Wet plan is similar but with 5 OHS@40kg 10 dips 15 Ring rows (Feet elevated)and just clean no jerk due to the roof!
Both of the above are AMRAP 20.
Who is in?