Still down to two with Robin away at Coffs Harbour(hitting CrossFit gyms in the area in the photo above).
We did some squat therapy then chased a heavy press chris matched his PB Errica was just off it.
Then we did 5 40m tyre drag sprints and 3 sets of max strict pull ups.
Planning on doing CrossFit Rocks WOD2 on Friday and resting tomorrow.
Well hello from "Port" as the locals say.
Yesterday I went for a 5k walk/run alng the beautiful Port Macquarie river/beach Foreshore, a bit like the Strand but lots more hilly bits.
And tonight I did a 2k walk/run warmup then tackled THE HILL which is really just a 90 metre reasonablly steep grassy slope down to the beach, a popular spot for sprints.
I had to wait for the footy team to finish! Then did 5 sprints up and using the walk back down as rest time, probably 2 minutes-ish.
My sprint times were (yes I did bring my stop watch with me):
30.88, 35.19, 33.03, 36.22, 29.69.
I originally planned to do 8 sprints like a tabata, but when I finished sprint 5 under sprint 1 time I decided to call TIME and, as Brett would say, live to fight another day.
The best thing about these little runs is no soreness or sprains anywhere.
Now to keep it that way.
See everyone on Saturday.
Nice work Robin :) good to hear the strains and sprains are at bay.
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