The girls had a big session this morning
Row 2k
Errica 9:07ish
Robin 9:23ish
Then 5 rounds for time
3 Cleans @approx35kg
3 Ring Dips
both did sub 4mins
I am going to try it tonight at 80 - 90 cleans and ring dips - as if my tris aren't shot enough after yesterday.
Well done Reek and Robin! I really don't like rowing but maybe the new technique I've been shown might improve things.
Enjoy the fun run if you're doing it. I'm guessing gumboots and raincoats might be good kit to wear tomorrow :)
I had Mondayitis this morning. I think I will add a 20kg bar to my To do/to buy list so I can practise those motor patterns.... then practise some more.
Brett what is the thickness of your wooden pullup bars? That diameter feels pretty right for my grip or go smaller?
the pull up bars are 34mm. I would focus on the jump and clap drill before I went buying a barbell though robin.
Jump and double clap Jump and double clap Jump and double clap Jump and double clap Jump and double clap Jump and double clap Jump and double clap
Ok I get the message! Just very frustrating to be so inconsistent with those cleans.
Hey from Amberley...
What's the jump, double clap drill?
I used that rowing technique Brett showed me and found it worked really well. I'm a big fan.
Scotty I reckon this is gold for developing double unders. basically set up a power jump rhythm (the jump height is higher than your single skips jump height) ensuring that it is a predominantly calf driven movement and then instead of double unders you do a clap twice ensuring that you clap twice before your feet touch the ground again.
It is to develop the coordination required to get double unders and to a lesser extent olympic lifts.
I invented it as far as I can tell so I am calling it the Brett drill.
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