Check out the action (and hopefully results later today) at CrossFit Rocks website.
Basically it was two very doable WODs: 3 rounds of 15 Deadlift(80/60kg), 15 Box Jump & 15 Kettlebell swings.
The low box proved to be a hurdle for many as they were not getting full extension off the top. I would suggest a lot of blokes train on a 24 and usually just fall into hip and knee extension.
2nd WOD was 21-15-9 Hang Power Cleans(60/40) and Burpees. This was horrible!
Top 5 had a third WOD which was a volume ladder of DB Thrusters and Pull Ups. the male winner got through 13 - Drummond Williams from CrossFit Coastal. I think the female winner got 11 rounds Rach Vickers also from CrossFit Coastal.
Jeff did the day as Rx'd and Robin implemented a bit of scaling but went really hard.
Jeff had some dramas with his first judge but handled it with good sportsmanship which was awesome.
I was hoping for 6th place(because I am lazy and wasn't up for a 3rd WOD :) )
I think I got pretty close.
It was a great day very well organised ,cool workouts, great people and heaps of fun.
Hopefully we can see something similar for the official opening of CrossFit Thuringowa later this year.
Nice work mate :)
I agree Brett, crossFitrocks put on an awesome day. Extremely well organised with some inspiring performances! Great crossfit spirit from start to finish! I learnt lots and met some fantastic people!
Thanks for the lift out to crossFitrocks and back and your support through those wods. I found wod 2 better because I wasnt so nervous by then.
Nerves. Something to work on and be better prepared for the sectionals and masters qualifiers.
I'm in Coffs Harbour now (sunday arv) and wow, this place has grown so much! Hope to get out to Crossfit Coffs Monday arv or Tues morning for a recovery wod!
Off-topic, but I have a question for Steve.
Could you do a little write up on the basics of isotonic drinks... and when/where/how they should be used, if at all?
hey all, have no pc at the moment, so posts on hold untill its fixed (along with all my work, ggrrrrr).
quick bit on isotonic drinks:
stating the drink is isotonic means it has the same "pressure" (termed osmolarity) as our cells, becuase the solution (drink) has roughly the same number of solutes (salts, sugar) as cellular fluid. This allows a quick restoration of normal fluid levels in the tissue, without "over-dosing" on water where you can feel full, and bloated, headaches etc, but still thirsty as plain water causes to much fluid to enter the cells to balance the tissue solutes out.
thats the biochem'
my first problem with them is that they have a lot of sugar in them, a 500ml bottle will have around 60-70g sugar or more. This is then a big insulin hit, especially after exercise when you are your most sensative. That hormonal response then makes it difficult to continue performing (if you had it in the middle of a session) becuse your body is in energy storage mode (due to insulin)
BUT- that depends on your situation, if you are in a comp and need to recovor quickly then by all means they can help you perform again in a short time frame.
Depending on the drink the ingredients vary and can have a lot of fructose, which in line with the last post, is basically alcohol. other sugars, flavours and other bits can also make up the ingredients.
The main electrolytes in the body that these are supposed to replace are sodium, potasium, chloride and magnesium. A little salt on some mashed sweet potato and green leafy vege, few nuts, and youve done the job paleo style. Thats also easily digested in between wods if you are in comp mode, so you could skip the pretend food altogether.
hopefully back on line soon
the presentation is going a little slower than i thought to, will give a heads up with a timie frame soon.
Thanks guys n girls
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