(SXF's mascot)
Every minute on the minute perform 5 DB Deadlifts,5 DB Hang Power Cleans, 5 DB Thrusters.
Rest the remainder of the minute. If you fail to complete the required work in the minute do 5 burpees and rest the remainder of the minute before 'getting back on'.
Loading prescribed at 40-45% of BW
At Fit Solutions:
Dan:20kg DB 18 rounds
Rob:15kg DB 18 rounds
Rook: 12.5kg DB 16 or 17 rounds?
Chris:10kg DB 20 rounds
Mia:10 - 8kg DB 18 rounds
Reek:9kg DB 20 rounds
Annalise: 7kg DB 20 rounds
Robin: 6 kg DB 20 rounds
Glen: 10kg DB 20 rounds Koala style(didn't put DBs down) 6 reps in first round then 5 reps until round 14, 3 rounds at 6 reps again then 3 rounds at 7 reps.
Hmm based on my weight abt 65/66kg I should have had 12kg+ I think. Well theres always next time. But it was good to not have to do any burpees :)
Great session in the air con !
Sunday WOD, legs are busted after yesterdays PC & thruster (time in thursdays comments), legs are so WEAK now.
7 C2B pull ups
7 Ring push ups
10 rounds
L sits ( = tucks) and situps to finish
Told you not to go back for that XXXL brett!
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