I think I kicked the virus at last!
This morning I did 3 sets of 2 deads at 140 - pretty happy with that, still on the long road to picking up 160 once.
Then I had a go at the CFNQ Sunday WOD which was CFBs at some stage earlier:
10 rounds of 15 swings and 15 DU - cruised the first 3 rounds then lost my round a minute status at about round 5 and finally finished in 11:11 with the worst case of forearm pump ever!
On a side note I noticed OPT is prescribing triple unders in his WODs.
Breakfast is Bacon Chops from the new Angelinas deli in Fairfield waters - I hope they are good!
bacon chops!?!?, they look awsome, i want some
WOD update, new PR on nicole the other day, 116 pull ups in 9 sets (only 2 in last set as buzzer went).
But then randy kicked my ass yesterday. First time for this wod, used 32.5kg, took 8:28, crap house... no good at snatches (though power snatches were a bit easier) and weight was probably a bit heavy for this lift with so many reps.
Hrm, triple unders? I think this movement would come down to the type of rope used rather than the actual action, so I'm not to sure of the benefits, plus the chances of it showing up in a WOD...However, the games might prove me wrong.
Did you see the artical on the journal with the equipment list waiting to go? Looking forward to what they dish out :)
I am pretty keen to give Randy a hit out - even more so now I have a time to chase! I did 10 in 45 seconds so I might take you on this one.
I think triples have merit, a more powerful jump and faster wrists plus more coordination required - definite athletic application.
That said I cant do them yet.
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