For whatever reason I was dumb enough to take Cheng's time as a challenge at a WOD I know I am pretty average at and it owned me! I have been flat all day(possible signs of overtraining).
So rather than rest I took the opportunity to jump on the payback train with two WODs I knew I could perform at :
1st WOD 1715hrs CFNQs Tanya Wagner WOD: 50 DU then 3 rounds of 7 C2B Pull Ups and 5 60kg C&J followed by 50 DU
Owned it - I could have been better on the C&J if I was STRONGER and enjoyed putting myself through pain more but I did two beautiful sets of 50 DU unbroken and 3 sets of Chest bruising pull ups no worries all done and dusted in 5:06 my ego needed it.
Trained a client and noticed I still had my 33kg bar set up for Randy so I gave it a red hot go.
Pacoing plan was for a 6 min effort 12 in about 45s then rest the remainder of the min...ambitious much?
12 Power Snatches in 45 seconds twice and then that pacing strategy grew old then 26 in the next 3 minutes gave me 50 at 5 mins(I was starting to worry I might not catch berry but..) a set of 9, an 8 and two 4s had me done at 7:35!
I wish I hit my WODs with the same intensity that I hit the stairs to log on and see if I beat his time!
maybe it is time to add some more beef on to the bones ;-) Give that Paleo/zone up and get on to the Mass builder :p it will help you move more weight....
I must admit, when i did DT i went looking to see when it was last done and to see what numbers had been posted to get a gauge on what numbers i was going to expect, considering that i normally struggle during most WOD's i was very surprised when i stopped the timer after i put the barbell down after the last rep.
Paleo is the bomb.
For long term health and performance.
Strength is about neuromuscular coordination as much(or more so) as it is about bulk - if not more so, take the little blokes at the games that all out lift the strongest blokes I know in the army.
bah, got me by a whole minute, good one.
you got it about paleo being long term health and performance, no use eating crap (if its not paleo its crap) regularly for some bigger numbers if its going to affect some part of your biochem eventually.
see spaelers 106 pull ups in a row, ~1:30 or so, awsome.
Yeah, those chins were awesome. That bloke has a big heart.
Keen to learn more about Paleo
hmm looks like i need to work on some 'neuromuscular coordination' and dropping a few more kg's off...
so to develop better neuromuscular coordination is it just a matter of doing the exercises at specific weight to increase neuromuscular coordination???
best start would be paleodiet.com. Loren Cordains site covers pretty much everything about it, and he is one of the leading paleo reserchers, so give it a good read.
Basically its the meat, vege, nuts, little starch and fruit. Dont forget the fat from olive oil, animal fat, fish oil, avocado's and some nuts.
No grains of any type/form, sugar, dairy, or artificial sweeteners/flavours/sauces etc.
lots of science behind it and low carbing and they are essentially tied together but they are two different realms. Best low carb read is Gary Taubes: 'good calories, bad calories', you can get most of his lectures on u-tube if you have a look.
It can get nitty gritty with a lot of conflicting info on the net, if you have any questions just post it up here and i'll have a look
Awesome, thanks Steve :)
Neuromuscular co ord is just a fancy way of saying the muscles get better at working together and that the mind gets better at telling the muscles what to do.
Training for NMC is just the same as training for strength small reps high weights regularly.
Eating and hypertrophy training to get big is only relevant once NMC is near maxed out or if you need to be big for your sport - Rugby/NFL etc.
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