I am off to CFX for the games qualifier, I will check in Monday night.
Did GHD SU/BE WOD from main site - 5 rds 30 SU/25BE 17:48
Errica towelled me up with 14:15:(
Brock Street Fitness follows the experiences of those who train under my house. The aim of BSF is to offer a low cost training experience for any Townsville / Aitkenvale area based individual that wants to be fitter and is prepared to work hard for it.
I can't wait to hear the stories mate. Would have been awesome
So starting with Fri morn I did the 5 rounds of 25
GHD Sit Ups then 25 BE - Errica beat me by 3 mins! I got 17:48 or so.
Got doen to CFX and Steve ran the class through a "Jason" which I did in 24:23 - Massive PB!
Rested Sat while I judged heats and starred in the DVD soon to be released.
Sun spent the morning in the Sun looking after the female competitors run heats and then had a workout with Al Howard at CFX after all was done and dusted. We did the 2nd games day WOD with Bodyweight deadlifts instead of burpees - I did 11:20 I think.
Awesome weekend Steve took out 1st in all events and all other placings were sprinkled around, Tamyrn placed 3rd, 2nd and 1st in the three events so was equally deserving. The second places for both genders were so close.
There was drama and controversy and none of it involved me so I had a great weekend!
Now I have to come home and eat my words when Errica throws down another Micheal challenge on Mon or Tue.
I await the DVD! You super star, ever since the JCU ad you've been in high demand!
Would have been a great weekend. I hear Doug from CFB came so close to a trip to the states.
Oh well, time to train up for the 2010 games!
We just did the round 1 qual workout. I'd be going home with a 15:44 :( The old HR monitor reckons the Max HR was 219, YIKES! Matt and Danny said there was a 15min cut off, just like the quals, but they let me suffer, oops, I mean finish, because I was close to done at the 15 mark. It was pretty cool to have Matt beside me telling me to pick up the bell and finish. I can assure you I didn't want to, but was happy to get through it. I'd find backing up very hard for the next one in 4hrs
Nah mate you would have been able to back up and do burpees :) but would you have wanted to?
I got 14:30 when Fi and I did the WOD last week so inside cut off but nothing special. Rookie did 12min I think - pretty good and really puts into perspective Steves(CDO) sub 6min.
Have fun with the 2nd WOD today.
Arh!! No training for me for a few days, my boss stuffed my back trying to be funny while stretching me Grrr. Not happy!
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