Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Did annie with Abmat situps in 10mins flat yesterday and I am going to rest today, shoulder still isn't quite right - fingers crossed it will come good soon.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Aussie Qualifiers WOD1

Had a crack at this this morning 14:32 I think they are running a 15 min cut off so at least I would have finished.

3 rounds
10 C&J (overhead anyhow) @60kg
15 Ring Dips
20 KB Swings(1.5 pood)

the ring dips were the killer for me as I am just not that proficient at them:(

Friday, March 27, 2009

Squat Triples from Monday 23/3/09

I think these look pretty good but I would be keen as always to hear what feedback others have, thanks.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Im Back

After a week of AJing the house down and no WODs I got back into the groove this morning at CFNQ we did a CFX WOD:

3rounds of:
800m, 10 K2E, 20 Pull Ups, 30 Wall Balls
24:16 felt pretty good

The plan is to play catch up as follows:
Sun22 - AMRAP 30 5/5/15 Pull up dip Sit Up WOD with reek about 10 ish
Mon23 - Back Squat triples
Tue24 - Rest
Wed25 - Deadlift Run WOD
Thur26 - Karen
Fri27 - ?
Sat28 - CFNQ
Sun29 - Session at mine in the morning(hopefully strength)
Mon30 - Rest

Overtraining here I come :~

Sunday, March 15, 2009

HC/Rope Climb

I cannot wait to do this one again.
Score to date:
Me 0

9 Hang Power Cleans(70kg)
3 Rope climbs(5m)

I implemented a 30min cut off and managed 3 rounds and 9 cleans at rx'd load.

The heat was killing me and I have a big week ahead.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

GM - Army sytle

Max Push ups in 2 mins
100 sit ups to 3 sec cadence
1.5 mile run

65,100, 10:19

One less push up than last time but improvement on run by 31 secs, come on sub 10 in the next one!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

AMRAP Maryish

10 Lsit Pull Ups
15 Lunge walk steps

AMRAP in 20

5 rounds total for me on the buzzer

All as Rx'd

Total tomorrow!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


5.3km aplins then nathan

The Walrus strikes again!

Monday, March 9, 2009


1000m Row
50 20kg Thrusters
30 Pull Ups

9:06 faster than the one I did at CFX but 18 seconds off PB from November last year- could have got sub 9 but went soft on the Thrusters.

Managed an nice 80kg Split jerk yesterday and was able to clean and jerk 82.5 with pressing out on the jerk.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

The berry knocks off another CF milestone

So I convince Steve to let me spot him into the bottom of his dip a few times after the FGB at CFNQ, Then he has a few attempts on his own hands too wide blah blah blah another little spot then on his own gets a 90% MU - raced through it and almost catapulted himself through the straps. A little rest and he sticks his first single then fails while trying to turn it into a double.

I said lets catch on film and then he bashes out 4 like he has been doing them forever!

Great Job mate.


Friday, March 6, 2009


5 rounds of
20 Pull Ups
30 Push Ups
40 Sit ups
50 Squats

rest 3 mins between rounds

Total time of less than 45 mins 44:24 I think.

Breakdown posted to comments tonight.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

5 March 09 Dead singles


What about my form? and socks?

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Wednesday Helen 4/3/09

Reek rx'd(16) with american swings 21:55
Brett Rx'd Am Swings 11:16