Warm Up
Hand stand practice
Presses 3x3
For time: 5 Rope climb ascents and 75 Push ups
All partitioning structures are viable ie. 1 rope climb 20 push ups or max push ups 1 rope climb 5 times and then do the balance or 75 push ups and then 5 rope climbs - the possibilities are endless.
Presses -
Errica: 3x 21kg, 3x 24kg, 2x27kg
Robin : 3x 21kg, 3x 24kg, 7x27kg
Chris : 3x 42kg, 3x 48kg, 4x54kg
Brett : 3x 50kg, 3x 56kg, 3x62kg
Push Ups Ropeclimb
Robin - 75 push ups and ropeclimb practice(untimed)
Brett 7:02
Chris 7:33
I have trialed not eating before a wod for 2 mornings, yesterday (22nd) and today (23rd) but find I just dont have the same energy level as I do when I've eaten.
So now I know I HAVE to eat a little SOMETHING and will try experimenting with small amounts of fats like nuts or avocado and see how that goes.
PM crew was huge - did On Ramp WOD 1
200m Run 15 - 12 - 9 (Push Ups, Body Rows, Squats) 200m run
Had Michael C, Michael M and Danny demolish it at 6 PM then work on deadlifts finishing with a 2min max effort of deads.
Then at 7 PM had The Beric Brothers, Jarred and Matt attack the same WOD but in the dark.
Awesome Turn out.
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